We welcome

It’s real simple. Keep it kind. Keep it private. Keep it real. Parenting is super hard and we are here for each other.

Meet Up Guidelines

Meet Ups are pretty loose. In short, be cool, have fun, but more specifically:

What is said in the meeting, stays in the meeting
This is the essential principle of confidentiality and must be respected by all participants.

Differences of opinion are OK
We are all entitled to our own point of view.

Use "I" language
Share from your personal experience, say "this is what helped me" or "when I was faced with this problem, I ..." - don't give advice unless asked to or say can I offer advice.

It’s OK not to share
People do not need to actively participate; much can be gained by just listening.

It’s everyone's responsibility to make the group a safe place to share
Treat each other with respect and kindness. Show compassion and respect to everyone.

One person speaks at a time
Each person should be allowed to speak free from interruptions and side conversations. Unless we are at in-person meet up, these feel more like a casual party at times.

Share the air time
Everyone who wishes to share has an opportunity to do so. No one person should monopolize the group time.

"Headline" your comments
Say the most important part of your comment first. Try to keep your contribution brief and to the point.